
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Everybody falls asleep already..Only me, alone sitting in the darkness and do what i love to do lately,Blogging..Hahaha! Nothing much actually..It just that, i just realize that i'll be back to start new school session in 2 weeks time..Huhuhu! Feels like i just came back here yesterday..X bestnye! But what to do right.. Macam melampau sangat la pulak kalau nak cuti lebih2..Yer x?

Apa pun, i hope things will be a lot more better than ever in the next school session..Seriously, seriously, mean that tau! Don't speculate anything yet k.. I do have few reasons hoping for such things to happen okay..Hehehe!! Opss! By the way,next year i'll join the morning session..Erm, there were few changes made by the authority and it seems that i'm one of it..Hahaha!! Surely i'm gonna miss my old buddies lah (in the afternoon session)

X per, just hope for the best k..! Think +ve..!! Erm, ngantuk already..Nanti2 sambung lagi..

0 pssssttt...!: