Hatiku berbunga riang!

Friday, October 31, 2008
Akhirnya, i received a call from my hubby. Tadi dia called nak cakap ngan Naufal and Mama Naufal..Hehehe!! Katanya dah 3 kali dia tried call, tapi nobody answered. Asik masuk v/mail katanya. Memang betul just now i received a message telling that aku ada missed call, tapi yang peliknya bila masa pulak ada call sebab hp aku x berbunyi pun. Mushkil tau, alih2 dpt message yang inform that " You have missed calls from 03-555xxxxx..at....please dial 1313 to listen to your message.."

Tapi apa pun kan, aku rasa macam disuntik semangat ja lepas cakap ngan Hubby tadi..Lega sikit rasa hati nie bila dapat dengar suara dia tau. I misssss him soooo much. How I wish he could be here..Huhuhu!!X pe, yang penting aku tahu dia sihat and ok.

The best part just now was bila Hubby wished me a very Happy Birthday.."sorry yang, x dapat nak wish awal, coz kat sini susah nak dapat line" itu kata dia tadi. Ala, x per la kan..better late than never kan..dah ingat tu kira bagus dah tu..Lagipun aku faham keadaan x mengizinkan..Bukan sengaja kan..Kalau sengaja memang sangat la tu kan..Sah-sah aku mogok sakan!

To Hubby, thanks for the wishes..U are everthing to me..Just do what you have to do..Then, quickly come back to me and the family..We love and miss you so much!..Hug and kisses from Mama and Naufal..

0 pssssttt...!: