Erm..akhirnya selesai jugak kursus 3 hari yang compulsory tu (kunun!)..Last 2 day, course was held kat Samat..tapi the last day, which is today course was held kat other skul..Kenapa kat tempat lain?.. sebab facilities kat sekolah nie a bit better then my school :(
multi reaction..?
Course today kena guna internet..kalau kat sekolah aku di sana nun, computers mostly not in good condition..lebih banyak rosak dari yang sempurna..habih, macam mana kan?..lagipun x dak wireless, lagi susah la..
Buang masa!
After this there'll be no more courese..good new kan?..hehehe..Apa pun, i did enjoy myself walaupun kekadang rasa x best..:p
cam tension tahap gaban (^_~)